Got a question?



Have a question?

We are always glad to answer your questions. 


How long does it take to settle a claim?

Our average turnaround is typically 30 days. Every claim is different we pay cash for your salvage we do not wait until a buyer is found.

Do you help determine the value of the loss?

Yes, we give you a complete loss analysis and provide a comprehensive inventory evaluation. We also provide free documentation of unrecoverable and obsolete inventories.

Providing creative salvage-recovery solutions while providing industry-leading recovery values.

Are you affiliated with another organization?

We have a national network of professionals that often participate in recovery.


Why is it important to settle electronic equipment losses quickly?

It is really important to not let claims sit. Costs for not taking action include: expensive storage fees, potential theft, potential lower recovery values sinde inventory is now a generation older or deteriorated due to untreated water or smoke contamination. So tak action, give us a call we can help.

Do you work on a consignment basis?

No, ESR is not a consignment or auction service. We are a salvage buyer of damaged, compromised electronics related to equipment lossess.

What if more than one carrier is involved?

It’s not unusual to have more than one party involved in the same claim. Every effort should be made to get the parties to agree that it is mutually beneficial for everyone that the loss inventory salvage proceeding occur immediately regardles wheather liablity has been determined.

Get in touch

Our address

460 Penny Lane
Grayslake Illinois 60030

Call Us

(847) 548-7627

Send us a mail

John Brezinski

President, Owner Consultant


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